What are your top 5 rules of studying?

rules of studying

If you’re learning a new language or the rules of studying for an exam, you need to memorize vocabulary. Understand grammar rules and other bits of information. But how do you know if what’s written in your textbook is actually going to help? Here are my top 5 rules for studying:

Always read the title first!

Reading the title first is one of the most important rules you can follow. The title should give you an idea of what the article is about, and if it doesn’t then there is probably something wrong with your reading comprehension skills.

The title should be in bold or italics, as well as short (5-10 words max). If possible use catchy words that get your attention immediately!

You don’t understand, keep reading.

If you don’t understand a word, don’t give up!

Use the dictionary to find out the meaning of a word you don’t know. Look for examples in the text that illustrate the meaning of that word. Read it again if necessary (or until your eyes cross).

Circle new words or phrases.

If a word or phrase is unfamiliar, circle it. Underline or highlight the word and make a note of its page number in your notebook so that you can refer to it later when studying. If you’re not sure if a word is important enough to underline or highlight, just write “unknown” next to it—you’ll know if you need more information later!

You could also use highlighters for this purpose: simply color-code each page number on which words were marked as unknowns (and then again after these have been checked). This will help keep track of what was initially underlined/highlighted so that other students don’t accidentally miss out on valuable information!

Make sure you take notes while you study!

Taking notes is a crucial part of the rules of studying. It helps you remember the information and how it relates to the material you’re learning, which in turn helps you pass the test.

Take notes while you’re reading or listening, but don’t write them down until after you’ve finished! That way, if you have any questions about what was said that day or the night before, now’s your chance to look up those answers as needed (and make sure they’re correct). Also, keep an eye out for anything else that could help build on this topic further; maybe there are other sources available online. Or maybe another friend has written down some helpful bits from their experience with similar topics? You never know where else something might surface!

You can learn how to learn by practicing certain strategies

There are a lot of ways to approach the rules of studying. Some students prefer to study in groups and some prefer to study alone. Some people like to use flashcards, while others prefer to study by reading textbooks and taking notes on their own. Whatever strategy you choose, it’s important that you practice it until it becomes second nature—and then keep doing what works best for YOU!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time as an undergrad student (and now as a grad student), it’s that there is no perfect way to learn something new or improve your skillset—so just do whatever works best for YOU!


And there you have it: our top five rules of studying! We hope that by following these tips, you can be more successful in your college studies. Remember to always keep an open mind and try new things as they come along—even if it seems like they won’t work out at first glance. Good luck on your journey!

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